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Chakra set including 9 different crystal energies

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This set of crystals contains 9 different crystals to support your energy centres, also known as chakras. Supporting you to bring positive energies to your mind, body and soul.

Clear quartz, amethyst, sodalite, rose quartz, green aventurine, tigers eye, orange carnelian, red jasper. s elenite

In this chakra set you get 9 different crystals to support your mind body and soul. Bringing positive healing vibrations to your chakras, your energy centres. You have seven main chakras which you have covered in this set, I have included 2 crystals for your heart chakra, rose quartz, beautiful pink energy and green aventurine. Some people like to work with both of these for the heart chakra or you may have a preference, so you get to choose.

The beautiful piece of selenite, brings in the highest vibration helping you to cleanse and align your chakras. It helps to cleanse all of your chakras, your aura and the physical space around you. It also helps to cleanse your crystals so ideal to keep close to them.

In your pack you will receive

Clear quartz for healing - clarity - spirituality - connecting to your higher self. Works with the crown chakra and all chakras and amplifies the energies of all other crystals.

Amethyst for calm - peace - stability - insight, works with the third eye chakra, also known as nature’s tranquilliser. Also helps with any addictions you are struggling with.

Sodalite for truth- intuition - listening works with the throat chakra helping you to speak your truth, listen to the guidance around you and helps to support any thyroid issues.

Rose quartz for love - peace - harmony bringing in divine love into your heart chakra helping you to see the beauty within and around you. You are love.

Green aventurine for good luck - prosperity and nurtures your heart chakra. Helps you to feel nurtured and loved, brings compassion helping you to forgive yourself and others. This combined with rose quartz reminds you that you are ‘lucky in love’

Golden tigers eye for personal power - courage - getting things done - protection, working to bring positive energies to your solar plexus. Helping you to have the courage to move forward, helping you to take action.

Orange carnelian for joy - passion - sensuality - sexuality - moving with the flow - letting go, also helps you to reconnect with your divine feminine essence. Your sacral chakra is your centre of creativity and birthing new ideas projects and life.

Red jasper for strength - balance - grounding - passion - nurturing. Brings energy to your root chakra, helps you to connect with your deepest connection to know that you are strong, safe and supported, bringing positive vibrations and healing to your root chakra.

Selenite helps to bring high vibrations to all of you chakras, cleanses and aligns you’re energy centres to connect you with your highest potential. Selenite also helps to cleanse all of your crystals, it is self cleansing so no need to cleanse this crystal but it does love to be reenergised by the new moon energies. Selenite is one of the crystals that you should not place in water as over time it will dissolve.

Use your set all together, take time out for you and you may want to lay them on your chakras, use them in meditation. Or simply pick a crystal each day to support you through that day.

if you have any questions about chakras and how to use crystals please get in touch with us. Bev our founder loves to talk about crystals and chakras, Bev is also a Crystal healer and a Reiki Master.

All of the crystals are cleansed with healing sound and blessed with Reiki energies with the highest intention to support you and work with you for your highest good.

May these crystals bring balance to your mind, body and soul. May they ignite your inner sparkle.
Sending blessings of love and crystal light.

The crystals you receive will vary in colour, shape and size from the once in the image here.

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